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First Real Hike!

(Magda) Finally, we squeezed in a hike after a day of dad trying to figure out how to get the wifi to work! (Parent note-it was a day of...

Meg's work!

When I interviewed with the clinic it was called coast medical, and was in a different location-they moved into a new building just a few...

New Zealand Home

This is the front of our house. Living room. Dining room. Kitchen. Hallway! Our parents room. Bathroom! Magda's and Lena's room! Lucy's...

Christchurch to Westport

Turns out finding a rental vehicle that can fit 6 plus our luggage is not easy...but it can be done! Burger fuel is a 'gourmet burger'...

Last days in Fiji!

The ride back to the mainland was calm and clear and beautiful. Frank on the lookout. We did get to see some fun things while on the boat...

Wayasewa Island (part 2)

Tuesday, Jan 9 (Frankie) Today we went swimming with sharks and it was super fun! They were little tiny sharks. And we saw lots of...

Wayasewa Island (part 1)

Meg had the idea to do a home stay in a remote village called Yamata on the Wayasewa Fiji island. It was a 30+mile boat ride in a tiller...

1st day in Fiji!

The plane ride to Fiji was exhausting, but Fiji is amazing! We drove to our hotel and couldn't get the room right away so.... we swam in...

More fun in San Francisco!

Frankie got a camera for Christmas. She is making good use of it! A Josh and Lu with a teeny tiny Golden Gate Bridge in the background....

A day in San Francisco ✨️

San Francisco was not as tropical as I thought it was going to be, tho there was a lot of seals We started by seeing a submarine, after...

the adventure begins

The fam is on the road! Back in the day before kids and dogs and house ownership, Meg and Josh went on an adventure that included living...

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The adventure begins!  Josh and Meg-the parents.  Magda-6th grade, flutist, voracious reader.  Lu-4th grade, artist, gymnast.  Frank-1st grade, lover of all animals and people.  Van-kindergarten, stuffy collector, illustrator.

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