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  • kutz0027

Meg's work!

When I interviewed with the clinic it was called coast medical, and was in a different location-they moved into a new building just a few months ago. It's all new and pretty. I had a few days of orientation then started with patients on Wednesday. The learning curve is steep! Even though I am (thankfully) not seeing a full panel yet, my days were full of needing to find help with...well, pretty much everything! When a patient comes in, they sign in at the front then wait for the MD to come and get them. So I will go to the waiting room, get the patient, bring them back to my office, get whatever vitals I need, and then do the history/exam/etc. If I want labs, I print an order and the patient then makes an appointment for one of the lab days at the clinic, or take to the local hospital. Xrays are also a referral to the local hospital, and ultrasound is are a referral to the hospital 90 minutes drive away. Family med/GPs are not able to order MRIs unless you take a special class. Specialist referrals through the public system generally take months, but if you have private insurance it can be much quicker.

The building has both medical and dental, as well as a private PT (aka physio here, which is more fun to say).

The clinic is just about a mile from our house, so I have been walking (if it's not raining, and if I am not late-ha!) but I've had all kinds of fun checking out all the gardens.

Look at the size of these things! And I have large hands!

Don't know what these cool things are.

Magnolia blossoms, also giant!

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13 Kommentare

Alisa Kocian
Alisa Kocian
22. Jan.

Looks beautiful! Eek Meg, so much work, but they are soooo lucky to have you!

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Theresa Fredericks
21. Jan.

Such pretty flowers!!

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21. Jan.

Love all the happy flower pics! I second that vote on proteas! I hope that is what they are as they are so cool! They are in South Africa as well :). Do you have an EMR or is it paper? I don’t know which might be easier considering all the work you have to do! Happy Sunday to you and yours! Sending so much love your way!!

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20. Jan.

Looks like a lot of extra work, but nice place, beautiful flowers! Clifford got his second bath! He loves it and does great!

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Maleah C
Maleah C
20. Jan.

Meg, I think those pretty spikey things are proteas! Love you, so so much and miss you guys like crazy ❤️

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20. Jan.
Antwort an

oooh, I'll have to look that up!

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