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Christchurch to Westport

Turns out finding a rental vehicle that can fit 6 plus our luggage is not easy...but it can be done!

Burger fuel is a 'gourmet burger' fast food place that J and I frequented when we were here last-they have vegetarian burgers-my favorite was a chickpea-pumpkin patty with slices of beet (seriously. magical.), avocado and lettuce, and it is served with the best aioli ever. And since there was one right by the airport, what better place to stop? :) My ranch loving girls even ADMITTED that maybe they liked aioli as much as ranch...

the vistas!

and the flowers....

We took the route across to the west that goes through Arthur's Pass, which the most spectacular scenery. We had taken the train when we traveled with J's parents last time, and it made me feel like I was on my way to hogwarts. And my crazy children, as I am oozing and aching over all the gorgeousness, are playing it cool and telling me that the scenery is 'OK.'

Stopped at Kura Tawhiti Conservation Area, aka Castle Hill-named because of the imposing array of limestone boulders in the area reminiscent of an old, run-down stone castle.

This was also where the final battle in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe was filmed.

Fun little walk through the rocks. Very otherworldly!

Frank checking out the little yellow flower.

More flowers!

More vistas....

Reid Falls aquaduct-built to prevent flooding. Just past this is a rock shelter as well (basically, the road has a roof for a length of the the road!), as that area has continuous rock fall. The rock shelter was originally constructed in the 1860s.

Pretty Magda, pretty beach. This is Carter's beach in Westport. Time for the girls to learn to surf! (Just not today. Lots of jellyfish on the beach.)

This beautiful church pew on the beach-is this to be at church while in nature?

Aalways on the lookout for fun playgrounds.

Van continually loses her shoes.

We had to bring the rental back to Greymouth, so it was another windy road for the girls, but they were troopers. it is 65 miles between Westport and Greymouth, but takes about 90 minutes to drive given the twisty roads (but stunning views!).

Had a picnic lunch of yummy NZ meat pies and sausage rolls!

The ocean looking much more angry.

And goats! look at them all! Some had collars...but most didn't. Feral goats? Pets? Who's to say?

It is currently Sunday night-I will be at clinic tomorrow for my medical council zoom interview and orientation! Such fun!

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Jan 14

Loved it all, and you all! Brought me back to our visit with you! Meat pies! So good!


Monica Kutz
Jan 14

Wahooo, you guys made it! Good luck on your first day Meg! You’ll do amazing! Such a great experience this will be. love the scenic view, and all the pretty flowers.


Jan 14

Praying for some restful sleep tonight Meghan. Whew!

You guys sure are having a crazy, wonderful adventure! Thank you so much for doing the blog. It helps us to feel like we're with you. 😀 It is so beautiful there. Love the rocks and the flower pictures. I remember the road with the rock roof, and the flat river bottom.

So cool!

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