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Wayasewa Island (part 1)

Meg had the idea to do a home stay in a remote village called Yamata on the Wayasewa Fiji island. It was a 30+mile boat ride in a tiller outboard and no air-conditioning in a one room hut. I had my doubts but I know she's always right. It was an amazing experience. (Josh)

Sunday, Jan 7 (Lucy)

I thought it would be a bigger boat.

It was a very bumby I thought we would die.

This is are hut, I didn't care for it at first but then I liked it. A few reasons are it wasn't air conditiond also I wasn't comfortable with the doors open. Then I got used it.

This is the beach. It's very beautiful.

The tide can be very different. The coral

is breath taking.

There was a lot of shells and crabs.

(Meg side note-and my FAVORITE flowers-the white and yellow frangipani in Van's hair!)

This was the feast they have after church on Sundays. We ate whith are hands and it was delicious.

their were 2 humongous mango trees with super sweet fresh mangoes.

We found some friends and we buried them and played tag it was the best.

We played this game were you got tickled by

every one and then you got to pick who got tickled next it was so fun.

Monday, Jan 8 (Magda)

We started today by taking a trip on the boat to go cave snorkeling.

Isn't it really beautiful?

Frankie had her underwater camera to take photos and videos. She got some great pictures!

Me and van didn't like the cave snorkeling much so we went down to the beach and swam.

Cute little hermit crab! 🥰

Snorkel butts!

Then we went to the blue lagoon and played and swam.

Frankie on the beach!

More pretty water.

Van on the beach.

Fun in the sun with mama!

Beach picnic with Zack, Sarah, and Sava, our guides for the day.

The mango series...after our friends showed us how to use unripe mangos, sticks, and other items to throw into the trees to get the ripe ones down. And one of the kids brought over bigger 'carrot' mangos from her tree. Delicious!

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Jan 13

I LOVE these beautiful pictures and especially your stories about your great adventures !! This will make a very awesome book!

We are in the middle of a snowstorm!

The horses must have known what was coming because they were very cooperative while Nona put blankets on them last night!

I miss you all SO SO MUCH but I am happy to see such fun and amazing experiences !!!

Didn’t God create such a beautiful world?!

Auntie Weeze and Uncle Dave got ‘married’ by a judge yesterday but we will save the real wedding for when you get back and can be in it!!

Love you to infinity and beyond!!♥️


DeAnne Latterell
DeAnne Latterell
Jan 12

Fiji looks amazing, thank you for sharing a bit of paradise with us! I would love to try a mango off the tree, they look delicious. So glad you are enjoying your adventures and sunshine!


Jan 12

Wow! What a gorgeous adventure! So fun that you are meeting people and making friends - but of course you all are!! The mangoes look delicious!! How amazing to be able to knock them down from a real tree. Lucy - your post about the boat ride made me laugh out loud and Magda - I love your very diplomatic way of describing events! All of your photos are stunning - 100%! Meghan - so good to see your beautiful smiling face - I have been a bit worried about you in paradise there…. Thank you SO much for taking the time and effort to share all the amazing things - cave snorkeling, family feasts and snorkel butts! L…


Alisa Kocian
Alisa Kocian
Jan 12

Absolutely incredible! So many lifetime memories. Miss you/love you all! ❤️


Michelle Furuseth
Michelle Furuseth
Jan 12

What an amazing adventure you are having

Thanks for sharing!

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