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  • kutz0027

First Real Hike!

(Magda) Finally, we squeezed in a hike after a day of dad trying to figure out how to get the wifi to work!

(Parent note-it was a day of the utmost frustration)

We drove up to the point were the hike started and after a few minutes we arrived at this beautiful place.

(Parent note- Denniston is about a 30 minute drive up into the hills...feom the interlink...

'Denniston plateau is a moody destination 600m above the Tasman sea on the untamed natural wilderness that is the Northern West Coast of the South Island. The abandoned drill tracks which snake their way across the plateau, a relic from the coal mining days of the early 20th century, lend themselves perfectly for mountain biking.' Or hiking, as the case was!

Then the trail led us into a forest!

This was fun!

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Hooray!! That all looks gorgeous! Only 30 min from you - amazing :). How cool are all those trees - and all the pretty green! The view is incredible - looks like so much fun. Can’t wait for you to show the boys all your favorite spots.

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