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Welcome Amy!

Welcome Amy!

by Magda

Amy, Mom and Dad at the School Assembly! Frankie and Magda both got a certificate for a great piece of writing!

Meghan, Josh, and Amy at the beach!

We went on a hike to a beautiful place!

Josh saw a Weka!

Good bye Amy!

Big hugs from Van! (who wouldn't let go!)

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Mar 01

Hooray for Amy! So glad you had a visitor for your birthday! Love all the pics and captions Magda! And congrats to you and Frankie on your writing awards!! Is it really that warm down there? I thought I checked the temps and it was in the 60s - or am I forgetting how hearty you and your siblings are? We love you all SO much and can’t believe we leave to start our adventure in just 2 weeks! Girls - I am taking requests for you from Target and Trader Joe's if there is anything you are really missing - let me know!!

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