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  • kutz0027

Iceland Aug 18-22

Our original itinerary did not include Iceland, but when we were getting our plane tickets, a stopover in Iceland was actually cheaper! Win win. Fantastic. And there is no other way to finish up this blog than to be late as usual. (Full disclosure-we are currently home. Even fuller disclosure-I am finishing this up during quiet time up at St Lukes in Duluth-it has been a fun week and a half of abd pain, then some jaundice and funky liver enzymes, admission to SLH (now Aspirus), gallbladder out (yay choledocholithiasis), home, then not improving labs, readmit, another procedure (ercp!), and hopefully home today! I am feeling fine now!)

Our Airbnb had so many fun toys! We decided to just stay in Reykjavík rather than switch accomodation daily-out lovely Airbnb host was the epitome of blond Icelandic gorgeousness. I want to be her friend.

Off on the Golden Circle to see some pretty things-this was just a super cute church just outside of Reykjavík.

Stopped at Þingvellir National Park! The park is home to the world's oldest existingnparliment (founded by the Vikings) and where the Eurasian and American tectonic plates are pulling apart. What?!

Turns out summer in Iceland is still about 50F. Good thing we still had our fleece buried in the bottom of the bags!

So cute! And warm!

Off to see the geysers. This is the Geysir geothermal area, with a bunch of different geysers that have varying activity but the Strokkur geyser erupts ever 4-8 minutes!! We saw varying degrees of height while we were there-the last time was super high (I think it goes up to 100ft) and totally got a bunch of people wet-but the water must cool quickly, as no one appeared to have any burns!

Took a little hike up through the geothermal area.


On the other side of the ridge was this beautiful meandering river in a sea of green-Iceland is ridiculous views everywhere you look!

A contemplative Frank.

Look at those little legs go!

It was so windy on the top! So so windy.

More geysers.

Gullfoss, one of Iceland's most impressive waterfalls, where the Hvítá River cascades over three precipices into a 105-foot (32-meter) crevasse! Crevasse is a great word.

Hold tight to the children.

My models today.

Magda loves waterfalls. So much. (Another waterfall, mom?) She preferred to look at this on from the top instead of wandering down to other platforms. It's a great view!

Icelandic horses!

This was like 11pm. So light out!

Art installation on our way down to the harbor for our whale boat tour....

Van too!

Made it on the boat!

The harbor is quite pretty.

Find the whales, Violet!

We got to wear these nice warm jump suits. Yes, please!

We saw Minke whales and humpback whales and puffins, and a northern Gannet!

Whale plume!

It was a gorgeous day, the sea was calm, kids (mostly) happy-grand time!

This was after we saw a great whale tail.

Magda and Josh!

Eagle eyes.

The girls said that this was kind of like sitting in the deer stand. Waiting, waiting, waiting....

We did see a bunch of great tails!

Then headed to the whale museum-it was fun to see the models (to scale!) of the whales that we just saw!

Don't get eaten, Frankie!

Made some origami whales, and watched a documentary about the ways we can help the whales, as the shipping industry and military are producing an incredible amount of noise/distruption in the ocean-but there is hope in science and education!

Mermaid building! Or maybe the rainbow fish?

Best hot dogs ever!

Fanta stop.

Last day-Blue lagoon! Very otherworldly with the blue milky water and lava stone. It is also close to the area of current eruptions-so we were warned that there was been increased activity in the past 3 weeks, so if there is an evacuation, just get to your car and drive back to Reykjavík!

Such fun.

Freshly bathed children.

Here is where the usual road did get covered in lava and was redirected-so crazy.

Ice cream stop!

Back on the plane-almost home!

The girls were excited for their last 6 hour flight to Minneapolis...their last chance for unlimited screens in the foreseeable future!

What a fantastic last 9 months! I am so grateful to have had this time of adventure and discovery with my lovely family-turns out it is really awesome to spend time with your family. 🥰

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