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  • kutz0027

Sweden- Aug 14-18.

Lisbeth had told us about Godisflyget-a candy store in an airplane! And it was on our way to our Airbnb! We hadn't mentioned it to the girls, hoping to keep it a surprise-but Magda noticed a stop-so I told them it was another castle. When that was met with a few groans, I told them that once we got there, they could leave whenever they wanted. We got there. They didn't want to leave.

Frankie is so excited!

Violet scooped out the candy all by herself! But funny enough, even though I didn't give the girls a limit, just told the girls to be resonable, Josh's bag was the one that weighed the most. :)

So much candy. Then we made it to our Airbnb in Tenhult, near Jönköping. Josh's parents came in late that night as well, making for a great morning reunion.

We headed out to see the land of Josh's people (a small town called Häggum), but first a stop at a museum with old viking artifacts, a KISS exhibit, and the best kids' playroom!

Violet picked such a great outfit.

Stopped at a cafe for some lunch and princess cake. Fitting, especially as it was Jan's birthday!

We love Grandpa Jon!

Josh's great grandpa came to Minnesota as a young kid from Häggum.

The local church, on beautiful grounds!

Mossy rock walls are a great aesthetic.

Looking at names and graves.

Grandpa Jon and Josh.


Lucy the photographer.

Happy birthday Jan!! We love you sooo much!

Our very cute Swedish Airbnb was a farmhouse from the 1800s. We were waving goodbye to Grandma Jan and Grandpa Jon!

Visiting Habo Kyrka-the belfry is such a cool structure.

The church was built in 1680 and received its present appearance in 1723. It is built of locally harvested pine, and is filled with murals and paintings. The church is nicknamed the "Wooden Cathedral Near Vättern" (Swedish: Träkatedralen vid Vättern).

The inside, toward the entrance

Looking up towards the alter. It was all gorgeous.

Josh and the Husqvarna museum. He was very excited about this. I thought it was only chainsaws. Turns out they have been in business since 1689, initially producing firearms, then sewing machines, then in the 50s it was like an IKEA! So turns out I learned a lot.

Bikes too!

And these super cute stoves.

Go Van, go!

These moose signs (road signs) were everywhere! And I think they are so funny. But we didn't see any moose.

The square in Jönköping.

Sunflower fields by our Airbnb-sunset version.

Morning light version! There were all kinds of sweet peas (The vegetable not flower) growing in here too-so I had a snack. Yum.

We drove down to Malmö to stay the night, and stopped at the Folkets Park (the People's Park).

We like to find all the fun playgrounds.

Look at my cute bunny and butterfly and bee and flower!

Statues that you can climb are the best.

And look at the pretty benches too!

We found a super fun burger place in the park, complete with all kinds of games, like checkers and jenga and foosball.

Last night in Europe/Sweden!

The next day we drove over the Øresund Bridge to the Copenhagen airport-it was only about 30 minutes from our hotel in Sweden. The bridge is a combo of bridge to tunnel, and is super long!

On the way we saw this offshore wind farm.

Such an awesome bridge.

Aaaand, the road just ends...this is the part where it goes down into the tunnel, but it sure looks concerning if you didn't know!

Waiting in the airport.

Only one more flight after this!

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