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Southland part 4-Lake Tekapo and Hanmer Springs

Another few hours travel and we got to Lake Tekapo-noted for being a dark sky sanctuary and close to Mt Cook/Aoraki. We stayed in an A frame! So cute. Brings me back to when my grandparents had an A frame cottage back in the day...

Magda, Lucy and I took a walk to town.

Pretty foot bridge!

The Church of the Good Shepherd-an Anglican church built in the 30s, apparently one of the 'most photographed items in the country.'

I mean, it is quite photogenic.

Early the next morning we set out to Aoraki National Park. Sunrise glow on the mountain!

It was chilly! Here is the start of the Hooker Valley track-the whole reason that I made us drive all the way here. And I think it was so worth it-it was a gorgeous walk. The girls may have differing opinions, however.

No paparazzi, says Magda.

And three swing bridges! Love those things.

The water is such a pretty color. And look at those pretty peeps. The track first goes by Mueller lake and Mueller glacier.

Mt Cook/Aoraki, the highest point in NZ, somewhere in the 12,000ft range.

I told the girls that I wanted to be on the hike at sunrise (which was a perfectly reasonable 8:07). We didn't make it quite that early, but we did get the first peek of sun during our hike.

Van was a trooper! Those little legs went all 6ish miles!

So many views.

And we made it to Hooker Valley Lake...icebergs, straight ahead! Or, as Van said, iceblergs.

The lake had a thin layer of ice that made the best tinkling sounds and skittered across the ice. The girls could have been entertained here for hours.


I'll squeeze them all.

Energy pellet time! (Aka skittles and M&Ms. We're not above bribery here)

So pretty.

More views on the way back to Lake Tekapo.

Great NZ playgrounds!

This flying fox probably has the best view of any flying fox we have seen yet.


I wear my sunglasses at night...

The next day we headed to Hanmer Springs, which broke up our 7 hour trip back to Westport. And what better way to end a week of gallivanting than at thermal hot springs with water slides? With a Tardis little library, of course!

It is winter. And we are in wet swimsuits. it was in the 50s, so not terrible....but I definitely preferred the 42 degC toasty pools!

Kebabs for lunch, then back in the car and headed home!

Giant hungry sand fly on the way home. :)

It was a grand ole time! Only about 4 wks left till I am done with work and the girls are done with school. Can't believe how fast the time has gone!

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Theresa Fredericks
Jun 20

Sooo amazing!! 😍


Sarah Stroshane
Sarah Stroshane
Jun 13

Wow, absolutely stunning!!

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