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  • kutz0027

Off to school!

First day of school! The girls are mad, nervous, excited and scared. But they did get to visit the school yesterday and had a tour, which was great!

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Alisa Kocian
Alisa Kocian
Jan 31

Can't wait to hear all about it!!!! Those core memories you're making! Remember the time we went to school in New Zealand?!?!.!


Jeri Anne Goodall
Jeri Anne Goodall
Jan 31

I have been and will be praying it goes well! Love you girls!


Jan 31

YAY!!! I’m so excited for your girls and I feel a little nervous too! I had to move schools three times when I was a kid and it was always a little bit hard to start but then it always got better and was great in the end :). I LOVE the uniforms - so much easier. Sending you all BIG BIG HUGS!!! It is going to be great! (Eventually :)


Theresa Fredericks
Jan 31

Have so much fun Magda, Lu, Frank and Van!! 🥰

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