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North Island part 4

(Van/VioletLena) We go'ed to the thermal wonderland and there was a bridge there and there was smoke there.

(Wai-o-tapu, thermal wonderland! It really is quite cool. The entire town of Rotarua and surrounds are basically steaming, sulfur-y fantasticness!

from the google- this is an 18-sq. km active geothermal park at the northern perimeter of the Reporoa Caldera (a collapsed volcanic crater) formed 230,000 years ago within the Taupo Volcanic Zone.)

There was a big big hole with steam in it and some mud that was popping.

(It is just so otherworldly!)

There was a sunset out kinda in the water

(There are lots of fun colors all over the different springs in the park, due to oxidization-the different minerals have different colors-yellow is sulfur, purple is manganese oxide, pink is cinnabar, white is kaolin)

how is she sitting on the edge? how?

I don't understand this one.

(Direct quotes. I tried to tell her that frankie is standing in this picture, but she was having none of it.)

ohhh, there was a big big lizard that was actually kind of wrecked from people going on it but we got to take a picture by it.

(chainsaw art!)

There is a green green green lake and it looked like food coloring. 💚

We were doing trust falls and it go'ed Lucy, and then Frankie, and then me.

There was steamy water and it was actually I think a lake

(No idea what all these faces were about!)

There's a green lake, look at how green it is!

(So green!)

Frankie is eating a sandwich and she loves egg salad and ham. 🥪

(Her absolute favorite now. So funny!)

Magda was taking selfies by the mud pools.

(Boiling mud pools are my favorite!!)

Me Frankie and Lucy were trying to balance in the stumps on our bellies. Super babies!! 👶 👶 👶

There was a big big big fat tree at the redwood forest and there is a big big bridge and it was really high up.

(Treewalk! Super fun- 'eco suspended bridges and platforms in the redwood forest.')

There were the bridges and they were kinda made of rope and wood.

there was a big big biiiiigggggggg biiiiiiiiigggggggggg tree.

Big loooooooooooong trees.

There was a thing that go'ed up and down and Lucy and Frankie would go up then Frankie would run so it go'ed up and down it was reallllllllllllly fun.

And there is colorful log square thingies and we could play on them. We had lots lots lots lots of fun at the park.

Love, Violet 🌈

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