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Nelson (belated!)

For our second weekend (Jan 27-28) we headed north to Nelson, the sunniest spot in New Zealand!

(Lucy) Where the car ready for Nelson!

On the road we stopped and did a 3 mile hike!

(meg-the signs had many different listings! 45 min return, 1 hour return...according to j's watch it was about 3 miles. Thus far there's always been at least one child who does not care to hike. Frank's turn. See below)

It was so green and there was a lot of hornets.

mom took a looooot of pictures.

(meg-someday they will be happy about it)

So many flowers so beautiful.

we're here at the top of the mountain.

So cute!

we're the Beatles!

Looked at the weird bug. This is the weird bug that makes a super loud sound in the forest.

(meg-cicadas! i finally saw a live one-they are so many pretty colors. these guys were so, so loud. like heard them in the car with windows closed going 60 miles an hour loud)

(Meg) Lu's done for now. She's had enough of my pictures. The girls were checking out this cute guy. Weka, weka, weka! they are often described as cheeky. Which also is a word that I am working on increasing in my daily vocabulary, cause it's great.

Oh, man, if only this field of sunflowers wasn't fenced off. Isn't is such a happy sight?

Nelson has some great street art!

And the double decker bike rack!! Amazing.

Cable Bay adventure park!

That's Cable Bay (the actual body of water) in the background.

'Skyward experience'-the world's longest flying fox ride, reaching speeds of up to 100km/hr!


Giant tree!

Everyone smiling in one picture?!? Note- they were bribed with the upcoming breakfast after church.

Happy hot chocolate drinkers.

Nelson had lots of shopping, where the girls got boogie boards and j found a surfboard.

Tide's out. Waaaaay out.

Such great playgrounds!

On our way home we stopped about halfway at the buller gorge swingbridge-according to the signs, it's the longest swing bridge in New Zealand. The kids didn't really dig it. I tried to get them to pause in the middle where it is so pretty over the river, but they all decided that they were scared. Don't worry, I didn't make fun of them. Much.

So pretty!

Wandering around the bush walks.

Too bad we didn't bring our togs! (swimsuits). There was a sign behind Josh that showed how high the river got when in flooded in different years-taller than Josh's head! (and you can see this is quite a bit higher than the beachy area.)

Love how the rocks are carved out by the water.

The river was CHILLY!

Weeee! We took another flying fox ride over the river.

Then we headed back the rest of the way to Westport!

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Feb 07

Woweeee! Who knew Nelson was so cool!! I should have saved more time for it :). Everything looks so fun and a cute town to boot! I can’t wait for SI to talk with the Weka!! I laughed out loud about the swing bridge (“much”…. Hilarious!). Cheeky - we have been using sassy quite a bit but we will switch over to cheeky in preparation for the trip! Photos are gorgeous as always - I can’t wait to check out all the cute bugs! Though loud bugs I’m not sure about… Magda’s face in the first photo is priceless and I can imagine that 3 miles is SOOOO far for little legs. How’s school??? Hope everyone is doing…

Feb 11
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van was actually mad this wknd when we left for a hike cause she wanted to go to school! ha! oh, and if you can, go to the peanut butter factory-we didn't make it there this time but it's on my list!


Sarah Stroshane
Sarah Stroshane
Feb 07

All of these are great! I particularly love the Beatles shot ❤️

Feb 11
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turns out it took a decent amt of time to convey to the kids what my vision funny!


Michelle Furuseth
Michelle Furuseth
Feb 07

What a great adventure. Love the girls reactions!

Feb 11
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the reactions are ridiculous sometimes! so far they have been pretty good sports!


Theresa Fredericks
Feb 07

So! Much! Fun! Your helper at the skyward experience looks like Anthony when he had his mustache, I had to look twice😆

Feb 11
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he totally reminded me of Anthony too! he was super informative and funny!

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