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mushrooms galore!

(Frankie's turn!)

We were doing a little art class after school. We were making a panda boba.

F: Mom, why did you put this on there?

M: It's my favorite flowers on my way to work.

F: Oh. Mom was walking to work.

We were watching the Kiwi Bake Off, and Anna won! We were all so happy. And Anna was a foster kid. She made a cauldron cake.

We drove to Gentle Annie. This is the Cowshed.

(M: Went to visit some friends and their kids who also go the Westport North school. Gentle Annie is an awesome campground that their family runs, complete with a coffee shop!)

Then we went on a walk and one of the trails was really muddy. There was a hundred of red mushrooms. It was amazing! 🍄

I took this picture. I thought they were very cute cause they are together. So I took a picture.

This mushroom was SO big!! It was as big as Lena's head!

These mushrooms were very cute. And tiny. And they were on a log.

This beach was amazing. It was very fun. But it was a little bit annoying too, because the salt water and the sand were not great together.

This was the view from our friends' house.

They also had a playground but not just any playground. It was in the forest and they made it theirselves! There was a trampoline but not in the forest.

There was a maze! It was quite easy. But it was still fun. And the maze was in the forest.

This is the view when we got to the end of the maze. It was quite beautiful!

We walked back to our friends' house after the maze. Van got tired.

Look at this! Isn't it cool? I really liked it.

This mushroom cup mom had. And since she loves mushrooms, she'd drink out of it.

(M: Since I hadn't found blue mushrooms yet, I just had to buy this super cute cup from the coffeeshop at the Cowshed!)

The next day, mom got lucky! She found a blue mushroom. Well, actually my dad did. And then showed my mom the mushroom.

Oh! And also we went to this really cool beach after we found the blue mushrooms. This is the second lookout. It has a little blowhole. Can you see the rainbow? 🌈

(M: So we've been wanting to go back and explore the cave near the pancake rocks, and on the way is the truman track- a gorgeous short track that I had heard had blue mushrooms! So we had to stop. It leads through the forest down to this beautiful beach!)

This is the beach. We ran around and explored, but then we had to go cause we had to go to the cave.

This is the beach too. If you can see that tiny speck, that's Lucy.

This is us on the beach.

This is the beach too. It is from the last lookout.

This is the cave! There is a trail going up to the cave. And at first, we found the cave, but we didn't have our headlamps so we had to go really soon. But this time we remembered our headlamps, so we got to look around lots more.

Magda squeezed through a tight space, and then we all did too.

This is all of the girls in the cave, looking for glowworms. Dun dunn duuun!

We explored through spaces that we didn't explore when we didn't have our headlamps. It was amazing!

There were things up here. Well, there was a cliff. And palm trees. We could see our way down but it wasn't a trail. It wasn't the way out.

This is across the street from the cave. It's pretty cool. The cave is next to Pancake rocks.

This is a market that we go to after the cave or Pancake Rocks.

Bye! Thank you for reading! Love, Frankie

Thank 😊 you

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Mar 25

That was a great post Frankie! Wowee the cave looks cool (& a little scary for me! :) Your friends’ place is amazing! A playground in a forest?! So great! And Wowee - what a view! The red mushrooms with spots might just be my favorite. Thanks for sharing some of your favorite places with us!!


Michelle Furuseth
Michelle Furuseth
Mar 25

Great story telling Frankie. The mushrooms 🍄 look so fun. I am glad your Mom found some blue mushrooms.


Mar 25

Nice job Frankie! Is that the cave we went to when I was there? It looks way cooler when you have light!!! 😃


Patty Miller
Patty Miller
Mar 25

Frankie, that was amazing! I think those red mushrooms are spectacular eoth their spots. 😊


Jeri Anne Goodall
Jeri Anne Goodall
Mar 25

Thanks for the pictures and stories, Frankie! You did a great job. It looks like you are having a wonderful adventure. Those caves look really cool. Love you all and miss you!

-Auntie Cherry

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