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Matiri Lake hut

(Van/lena/violet) We are going on a hike! It was a big hike. It was so long.

I was playing with sand a little bit.

(meg-van's turn to decide not to walk)

Magda wanted to go so fast because something was buzzing around and it was a bee I think.

(meg-there seriously were a crazy amount of bumblebees around-they would come and land on you to see if you were a flower)

We were eating a bar and mommy schooched me over so Lucy could fit. Goodbye!

The hike was beautiful.

It was a beautiful day and Frankie had her walking stick. It is very straight.

We are on top of a hill. It was a big hill. Daddy carried me up, up, up.

(meg-you can't quite tell here, but this was quite the incline-josh is pretty amazing!)

We were eating snacks again. Skittles!!

It was so fun traveling that I wanted to go faster. We saw lots and lots of rock and big trees and a giant pipe that we saw, it was big and huge and really really tough.

(Meg-'The Lake Matiri power scheme uses a series of weirs to take water from the lake exit and pipe it 2.4km downstream to a small automated power station before returning the water to the river.' A weir is a type of damn. had to look it up. The giant pipe that we saw was about 6 feet in diameter! I should have taken a picture.)

Can we be done? I'm tired.

That was a really tall tree and it was really mossy.

That was a really tough hut. It rained really hard and it didn't break in. None rain!

(Meg-it did rain on and off for a few hours that evening-we played pass the pigs and uno and chatted with one of the guys that was at the hut-he was at the end of his 9 day hike!)

Swans! on the lake. They were black. And some had grey babies.

I love sleeping on the bunk!

It's a toilet. You can go poop in it.

There was a lot of mountains that we saw. And a rainbow. But we did know where the treasure was. Cause I love treasure. If it is shining by the rainbow you can lift up the rainbow and dig it up. Maybe the treasure is a unicorn horn.



Van/violet had nothing to say here. (Have I already mentioned that she has decided that she wants to go by her middle name Violet? Thats what she told her teacher, so everything is labeled Violet! ha.) We are on the hike out. It was a gorgeous day!

We were eating ice cream and I picked raspberry. It was really yummy. and I even got to try Frankie's. And I even got to try mommy's.

(Meg- ice cream is a great end to a fun tramping trip! The sign said real fruit ice cream, and I assumed it was 'real fruit' like how commercials say real fruit in yogurt or something. but this was actual fruit, each serving of ice cream mixed up for you!)

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9 comentários

18 de fev.

You all are inspiring! Violet - love your name and the story!! Such pretty pictures - and the hiking camping looks so fun (& way beyond our skill level!!) Thanks so much for showing us all the beauty of the South Island!

18 de fev.
Respondendo a

who are you kidding?? you all would be trekking through those woods no problem! and then SI could carry van (sorry, violet) everywhere. It's a great plan.


17 de fev.

Looks like fun, but you girls would have to carry Grandpa!

18 de fev.
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oh, they could totally do it-everyone takes a limb! you would get dropped a LOT, though. just FYI.


16 de fev.

That looks amazing, and very strenuous!! Whew. So beautiful and I love the swans...

Thanks Violet for telling us the story!

18 de fev.
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aren't they cute? I couldn't get a great pic of the two black swans and their grey-ish babies/teenagers, sad. the scene was quite surreal!


Alisa Kocian
Alisa Kocian
16 de fev.

Hiking stamina looks like it is already improving!!! The ferns!😍😍😍 how do the huts work? Are they reservable? Do you share with strangers? What if someone is already there? Keep posting girls! Love to hear about the adventures from you! Love you all so much!

18 de fev.
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some are reservable! and some you HAVE to reserve (like the great walks that are more busy, and some you have to reserve months in advance). but other ones it's first come first serve, so you have to being a tent just in case. the hut we went to has 8 bunks, and we actually met other people there, one was a couple that was doing the same thing we did (just the in to the hut and out the next day) and another guy had come from the other direction (the one who was at the end of his 9 day hike!)


Theresa Fredericks
16 de fev.

Thanks for the great story with pictures Van! I mean Violet—I will show your Tree Top friends tomorrow. 😎

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