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  • kutz0027

low key weekends are the best!

The other weekend I was working at clinic (basically works as a walk in, but only from 2pm to 4pm on both Sat and Sun), so we got in some good quality playground time.

Van hanging out with Batman, the neighborhood's most friendly kitty. Look at those cat eyes!

Pretty art in town on my way to work.

Quick jaunt to a super fun beach in a neighboring town-so many fun rocks!!

Lunch at a lovely spot-the girls may have been mad cause my lunch was a super tasty affogato. Actually, Magda really liked her nachos, so 3 of 4 girls only.

How many layers can one wear? Violet does a great job exceeding expectations.

More flowers. Always.

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Michelle Furuseth
Michelle Furuseth
Mar 16

How nice to have a mellow weekend around home. You all seem to be settling in well and making good memories.


Mar 16

Batman!! We can’t wait to meet you! Love the pretty art and the happy kiddos :). Glad you got some time in to just enjoy the neighborhood! We leave today - can’t believe it is already here - and I know our time with you and your time there is going to fly by! Here’s to savoring the small stuff on the way :)

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