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  • kutz0027

Hiking date! 4/3/2024

After our fun Wellington wknd, I had a random Wednesday off of clinic, so we got the girls off to school and then went for a hike on the Old Ghost Road.

En route we had to stop for the cows. Moo Zealand! (thanks for that one, SI and Abel!)

It's a 85km trail that you can walk or bike (with huts!)-Josh plans to bike it sometime before we leave. He has biked this part a bunch, but I've never been. And who can resist a trail like this?? I was waiting right by this sign and a baby weka came RIGHT UP TO MY FEET and it was so cute. So. Cute.

Lovely mossy stream!

Not idea what exactly this is used for, but it appeared to be a suspension cable with a device that would take you to the other side of the river, however, the other side just looked like a rock wall so you'd have to be a goat to get anywhere....but looks like fun!

Be still my heart. Found more blue mushrooms, so on the way back, I made Josh count mushrooms with me, and we found 67!! I should count how many I took pictures of...

Check out the gills!

OK, I'll stop now.

Then we had to stop at another trail that was on the way home called Chasm creek walkway. We were told that there were glowworms, so planning to take the girls out but had to see what the trail was like so that we knew where we were going in the dark.

It was a lovely, flat, short walk on what used to be a railroad track, and this lovely tunnel houses glowworms!

Fun vegetation.

Check out this cute man! Such a good sport, and great mushroom and dolphin spotter.

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1 comentario

22 jun

Awww I love this hiking date post! Did Josh get his bike trip on this as he hoped? And a baby weka right up to your feet?? SO lucky and must have been absolutely so cute! And um - blue mushrooms - amazing! So many!!

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