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  • kutz0027

Happy Father's Day!!

Low key weekend over here-it was raining like crazy so we went to the museum in town, which has just been renovated and reopened in the months before we got here. Lots of fun stuff about pounamu, the mines, and local culture.

Ringing bells!

Replica of the Denniston Incline-there were some great old videos, including an elderly lady who lived there in her youth-talking about how kids would use a metal sheets to slide down this incline. They didn't mention any injuries that may have been sustained (so dangerous!!), but I can only imagine!

Union banner!

Museum tour followed by ice cream.

More ice cream.

Happy Father's day to all of the fantastic fathers out there! And happy Father's Day to Mart up in heaven, and our dads and grandpas and uncles and brothers here on earth!

Attempts at a stack of babies!

Magda wasn't a fan. We love you, Joshie! Big fan of this dad here. ❤️ 💜 💖 💗 💘 ❤️

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