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Glowworms! 6-7 April

Frankie is making a clay model of a unicorn!

(Magda is writing today--Meg in parentheses. This weekend was a nighttime dark adventure to glowworms and more beach and playground time!)

Body boarding with Dad!

Learning how to surf.

Beautiful New Zealand beaches.

Lena is our little monkey!

(Seriously so fun to see her on the monkey bars-and she just doesn't give up! But also somewhat terrifying.)

Going on the swingy thing. Fun!

Beautiful New Zealand. ❤️

Magda is taking pictures with her camera.

(The trail to the glowworms is about 25 minutes north-we had to stop for the gorgeous sunset!)

Dad, Mom, and Magda!

Going glowworm hunting!

Frankie, on our walk to the tunnel.


(Keeping the red lights on so we could adjust easier to the glowworms!)


(I didn't actually expect that anything would show up on the pictures-in real life you could see more twinkling dots, but this looks like a constellation!

Glowworm fun facts:

'Arachnocampa luminosa is a species of fungus gnat endemic to New Zealand. The larval stage and the imago produce a blue-green bioluminescence. The species is known to dwell in caves and on sheltered banks in native bush where humidity is high.'

So we saw glowworms in the tunnel, but also along the sides of our walk as well-it was beautiful! And this is the only time I will appreciate fungus gnats.)

Beach time!

Building a driftwood structure.

How did Magda get so short??

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1 Comment

Jun 22

You all are SO brave!! I don’t know if I would be up for the glow worm hike but it does look cool - even in that photo! More surfing! And more fun playgrounds - ahh New Zealand / you sure do make it hard to leave… -

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