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  • kutz0027

Down to the last few wks!

We are almost done in NZ! So sad. I am done with work on July 5th, and the girls are done with their term on the same day. Worked out well! We had a few questions for the girls:

What was your favorite NZ memory?

F-the Waterpark (aka the thermal springs)

M- My birthday at the beach-body boarding and playing in the sand and eating gummy worms

L-hut hike with the rocks (AKA the rainy one in tongariro park)

V-when it was the first day and I was on the monkey bars and the teacher messaged to the hegman family something about me doing good good monkey bars!

What are you looking forward to at home?

F-seeing my friends again

M- Family, Norah, Lilly, My school, Red Bicycle, Cliff, Kraven, My house, basically everything.

L-my school and friends.

V-Clifford. And my grandmas and aunties and stuff like that.

What will you miss from NZ?

F-the school because all my NZ friends are in there.

M- The decent weather, Haloumi, My teacher, and Batman

L-L&P (a soda) and pounami


We were chatting about all the answers, and the girls wanted to know what Josh and I would miss- he said family time-having everyone at home for dinners and adventures. I said adventures and blue mushrooms and blue penguins.

Then Magda asks-maybe when we get home you could find a job where you are home more?

Lucy-yeah, like you could work at Culver's!


Violet-(whispers to me)-you can bring home ice cream for you too.

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Jun 22

Love this! I cheated and read the last one now even though I am not caught up - I will get there and comment on each one though. I don’t want to mis a minute of your adventures! We here in the states are SOOOOOO excited for you to come home - but also so glad you got this time and space and room to breathe. Being in NZ for just a few weeks helped me so much - a whole six months must help beyond measure. Sending you all so much love as you head into the last weeks. Know that we are waiting here with tons of hugs and lots of understanding that sometimes coming home feel…

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