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  • kutz0027

catch up time!

We didn't have any big trips planned over the last few weekends before we left Westport, but we had some good local fun.

June 21-dropped Josh off for his epic bike ride!

Bye! Havefunbecareful!

On the drive back I found fun things to take pictures of. Love the low lying clouds!

Kilkenny lookout-one way traffic where the road is cut into the bluff.

Later that night-drove to thr neighboring town of Granity for the very fun night market. The girls decorated the bags (lanterns) then got to be in the later parade.

End of the lantern parade in the glow tent.

Cotton candy is always a hit.

Lu as a flapper.

June 22-Old Ghost Road trail as we wait for Josh. Super pretty! The blue mushroom season is through, sadly, as I couldn't find any (this was where Josh and I found a ton).

More trees to love.

June 23rd- playground time. Magda and Lu had a photoshoot.

June 28-Clinic midwinter party!

Josh was there at the end to pick me up-he got to see Dr Tom and Lucy (below) doing some great karaoke.

June 29-one last NZ beach day!

It was freezing! I was impressed that these gals were in the water at all!

It didn't last too long, though.

Such fun!

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