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  • kutz0027

beer tours and swimming-may 4-5

Frank's turn!

We don't know why we did this, it's just Dad was being very kind, so we just did it.

(Meg-I like the out of order words!)

We went to Greymouth to find some greenstone (pounami) and we found this kiwi thing.

(Had a trip to the closest bigger town for some shopping!)

Another kiwi thing.

(Love the street art!)

Mom's so cute. We got mom some greenstone earrings for Mother's day.

(I got to try them on but then they had yo get returned to Josh till next week!)

This is a spinny thing. It was right by the kiwi thing.

We were at the beer thing-the beer tour. They do not brew here anymore. Which was sad.

(Monteith's brewery! I am a sucker for a beer/wine/cheese/anything tour)

Dad was pretending to flip the switch to on!

There was an old safe.

We were listening to the guy talk at the end. It was almost the end. They gave us apple juice.

We watched Dad as he poured his beer. We wanted to pour beer. So first you do like you have the thing (the cup) kinda sideways, and then once you see the foam stop and clear stuffs some out, then you put it under the machine. You have to kind of tip it while you're pouring, then when you are done make sure the faucet is off and put it back straight.

(Frank's quite good recollection of how to pour a beer!)

Magda was pretending to drink mom's beer.

This is a sunset on the way home from Greymouth. We went in the cave to find more glowworms, we saw lots.

(Stopped by the Punakaiki cave to see the glowworms)

We went to this park.

(It's fall! there are some autumn colors here! But still lots of green.)

Lena climbed up this pole. And I'm totally chill about it.

(Such a monkey.)

We went to a pool too.iIt was totally chill, bro.

bye 👋 we love you so much 💗

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