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  • kutz0027

barrytown knife making!

Yes, forge your own knives! We have passed Barrytown and this sign a few times heading south, and who can resist making a knife? So Josh and I had a date.

This is Steve. He and his partner Robyn have been doing this for 20 odd years.

Heat it up! But not too hot! First we worked on the actual blade (turns out I couldn't make a machete-sad-had to go for a smaller blade), heating and pounding it out.

Then to the handle...

Looks great so far, amiright?

They also had roosters (look at this beautiful bird!), ducks, chickens, horses, sheep, parakeets and parrots. Such fun.

And axe throwing!

Josh had much better luck with this than I did.

So we had worked on the blade, then the handle, then put them all together before we stopped for some lunch. During lunch, Steve worked his magic and made all the knives actually look like knives. Then we got to shaped them to our preferences, then sanding and sharpening and done!

Hooray! Turns out I forgot an 'end product' photo. Oops. I'll have to add it in later. 😀

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Jun 02

No knives for kids? 😃

Jun 06
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haaaa. wouldn't that be interesting? and dangerous? can't you just see van wandering around with a red hot piece of steel?? :)

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